TGIK was busy all last weekend, with 2 nights of open singing, and two private parties. Friday night was very busy at the VFW, but on Saturday night at the Legion, we only had a handful of singers.
On Friday night the VFW once again sold its Summer Foods, and made lots of money. The 50/50 drawing was won by Deb Crump. We had a heavy singing roation all night including Pat, Diane, Dee, Maggie, Deb, Jeff, Bobbie, Lisa, Laura, Bob, Deryk, Sandra, Robert, Penny, Don, Myself, and Rosie.

Dee celebrated her birthday, and Robert Crump celebrated his 21'st birthday! They had loads of fun and drinks.. LOL.
Song highlights included: "White Horse" by Lisa, "Don't Be Cruel" by Diane, "The Riddle" by Deryk, "Bleeding Love" by Laura, "Remember When" by Pat, "Just Like A Woman" by Bob,
and "Whiskey Girl" by Jeff.
On Saturday night at the American Legion, we had only 10 singers with a smaller crowd than usual. It's hard playing there the night after they already had karaoke, but in any event, it was still much fun and the music was fantastic!

Some song highlights from Saturday include "Forever In Blue Jeans" by Rob, "Love Shack" by Rob & Elizabeth, "Please Mr Please" by Nicole, "Rockin' Me" by Bobbie, and "Losing My Religion" by Doc Pete.
Hope to see everyone at the next open mic night, which is July 3 at the Watertown Legion. Hope the holiday doesn't damper our attendance. :)
For more pictures of the weekend visit the PHOTO section of the TGIK Site at http://www.thank-god-its-karaoke.com/